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男装 广东 - 东莞 外商独资.外企办事处 1000人以上
华坚集团简介华坚集团成立于1996年,集团总部位于广东省东莞市,以专业生产高中档真皮女鞋为主。旗下拥有广东东莞、江西赣州、云南昭通和非洲埃塞俄比亚四大生产基地,7家鞋面厂,以及埃塞俄比亚-中国华坚国际轻工业城、东莞华瑞世界鞋业总部基地等十多家子公司,形成了集研发、贸易、成品加工、皮革制造、鞋材制造、鞋机配套、物流配送、教育培训、鞋业总部基地、工业园于一体的国际化集团公司。现拥有40条现代化制鞋生产线,年产女鞋超过2,000万双,员工15,000余人。凭借着强大的产能优势、先进的工艺技术,以及优良的品质与服务,赢得了美国排名前30位的中高档女鞋品牌的青睐,很多著名品牌成为华坚合作多年的主要客户。华坚集团始终秉承 以人为本,服务人类 的企业宗旨,坚守 为社会而生存,为行业而努力 的企业使命,矢志让干部员工 和谐安居,高效乐业 ,是全球鞋业界最具活力的现代化企业之一。About Huajian GroupHuajian Group was established in 1996 with its headquarter located in Dongguan of Guangdong Province, mainly specializes in the production of high an d middle-grade women’s leather shoes. It owns 4 major production bases, namely Dongguan in Guangdong Province, Ganzhou in Jiangxi Province, Zhaotong in Yunnan Province an d Ethiopia in Africa, as well as 7 shoes vamp factories an d more than 10 subsidiaries such as Huajian International Light Industry City(Ethiopia)PLC, Dongguan Huarui World Footwear Headquarter base,ect., an d has developed into an integrated international enterprise including research an d development, trade, production processing, leather an d shoe material manufacturing, shoes machine supporting, logistics distribution, education an d training, footwear headquarter base, industrial park, an d so on. With more than 15000 employees an d 40 modern shoe-making production lines, it has an annual output of more than 20 million. By virtue of a strong production capacity, advanced technology, an d excellent quality an d service, Huajian has won the favor of top 30 high an d middle-grade women’s shoes brand of US. Many famous brands have established a stable cooperative relationship with Huajian.Huajian has always been adhering to the enterprise principle of People-oriented,Serve the people ,and the enterprise mission of Exist for society,Strive for industry ,devoted to happy life an d efficient work of all its employees, an d has turned into one of the most dynamic modern enterprises in the footwear industry.华坚国际鞋城(埃塞俄比亚)有限公司简介华坚国际鞋城(埃塞俄比亚)有限公司成立于2011年 11月,是世界最大女鞋生产厂商之一的中国华坚集团在埃塞俄比亚设立的全资子公司。坐落在埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴郊区Dukem镇,已建成9条现代化制鞋生产线和鞋材厂,本地员工6000余人。主要生产GUESS 等世界知名品牌,具备年生产出口女鞋240万双以上的产能。现已成为华坚集团重要的非洲女鞋OEM制造基地,被誉为 中国产能出海的最成功案例 ,也成为中埃两国经贸合作的典范项目。About Huajian International Shoe City(Ethiopia) PLCHuajian International Shoe City(Ethiopia) PLC was established in November 2011. It’s a wholly owned subsidiary of Huajian Group in Ethiopia, the latter is one of the worlds largest womens shoes manufacturer. It’s located in Dukem town, the outskirts of the Ethiopia’scapital Addis Ababa, with 9 modern shoe-making production lines an d shoes material factories an d more than 6000 employees. It mainly produces shoes of GUESS an d other world famous brands, with an annual output of more than 2.4 million. Now it has become an important womens shoes OEM manufacturing base in Africa of Huajian Group, known as "the most successful case of Chinas production capacity going overseas", has also become a model project of economic an d trade cooperation between China an d Ethiopia.埃塞俄比亚-中国华坚国际轻工业城简介埃塞俄比亚-中国华坚国际轻工业城位于埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴Labu Lafto区,由中国华坚集团投资建设,是以轻工业制造为主,以科技、高效、文明、和谐、环保为主题,集出口加工、商贸、服务等功能于一体的产城融合智慧园区,是中国优势产业走向非洲、广东省 一带一路 非洲工业园的先行区和示范区。现各项建设正在有序地进行。华坚国际轻工业城项目计划总投资20亿美元,占地总面积137.8公顷,建筑面积150万平方,计划于2020年建设完成。届时轻工业城将会成为埃塞轻工业发展的新焦点,预计每年可创汇20亿美元,提供3-5万多个就业岗位,同时还将带动中国轻工业企业走出去,在非洲集群发展。该项目是华坚集团参与国家 一带一路 建设的重要平台、国际化战略的实施路径,是华坚 为社会而生存,为行业而努力 企业文化的重大实践,必将成为中国制造走进非洲的成功典范。About Huajian International Light Industry City(Ethiopia)PLCInvested an d constructed by Huajian Group, Huajian International Light Industry City(Ethiopia)PLC is located in the Labu Lafto District of Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. It includes such functions as export processing, trade an d service,etc., this integrated industry park focuses on light industry an d takes science an d technology, high efficiency, civilization, harmony an d environmental-friendly as its theme. It is the pioneering an d demonstration area of China’s advantageous industry going to Africa an d of Guangdong Province’s African industrial park through One Belt, One Road strategy.Huajian Light Industry City project is supposed to be completely constructed in 2020, with a total investment of $2 bilion, covering a total area of 137.8 hectares an d a construction area of 1.5 millionsquare meters. At that time the Light Industry City will be the new focus of Ethiopian light industry development, an d is expected to earn foreign exchange of $2 billion per year an d provide 30 to 50 thousand jobs, will also drive the China light industry domestic enterprises to go out an d form cluster development in Africa.This project is a very important platform of Huajian’s participation in the National construction One Belt, One Road strategy an d the implementation of internationalization strategy. It is the significant practice of Huajian’s enterprise cluture Exist for socity, Strive for Industry ,and bound to be an example for China’s manufacturing industry to successfully develop in Africa.广东长恒服装有限公司简介广东长恒服装有限公司隶属华坚集团,创建于2016年12月7日,位于东莞市南城区华坚集团研发楼,是集生产、研发、销售于一体,主要以中高档男女服装为主,主要客户包括PUMA、 Disney、 ONLY 、 Baleno 、GIORDANO等众多国际知名品牌,已在国内国外均建立了研发生产基地。根据华坚集团战略发展规划,计划在2018年拓展3-5家生产工厂,现正在快速发展中,欢迎服装行业精英人才加入!
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