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童装 广东 - 广州 私营.民营企业 50-200人
品牌介绍/Brand introduction贝布熊(BeiBuXiong)是广州市马洲贸易有限公司旗下的另一个中小童品牌,专业为3至13岁的儿童提供独具特色,品质比肩国际的儿童服饰。设计以 健康舒适 为前提,以 休闲时尚,彰显个性 为中心,追求自然、简洁、经典、大方、甜美、可爱,除了丰富的设计外,亦注重款式搭配和商品质量,满足消费者对休闲、时尚的需求,同时不失个性。贝布熊(BeiBuXiong)主张 童年,我的Style我作主 。一切从孩子出发,提供满足和各阶段身体和心理的着装需求,陪伴孩子一起成长,度过多姿多彩、无忧无虑的童年。公司本着 让儿童与世界共同成长 的心愿,怀揣一颗热忱的善心,立志以最新颖的款式、最优质的产品质量和最温馨的服务为中国儿童带来更多欢乐、更多自信、更多梦想。Babe bear (BeiBuXiong) is guangzhou motor trade co., LTD., a subsidiary of another child in the brand, professional for children aged 3 to 13 to provide unique, quality as the international childrens clothing. Design on the premise of "healthy an d comfortable" an d "leisure fashion, personality" as the center, the pursuit of natural, simple, classic, natural, sweet an d lovely, in addition to the rich design, also pay attention to style collocation an d commodity quality, to meet consumer demand for leisure, fashion, an d personality.Babe bear (BeiBuXiong) advocated "childhood, my Style I decide". Everything from children, an d provided in each stage of physical an d mental dress requirements, accompany children grow up together, through the colorful an d carefree childhood. Company in line with the desire of the "let the children grow up together with the world", with an ardent benevolence, aspire to in the most innovative style, the most high-quality product quality an d warm service for Chinese children bring more joy, more confidence, more dream.企业简介/Company introduction广州市马洲贸易有限公司,是一家集设计、生产、销售、服务一体的服饰企业,2004年成立于广州。多年来,公司一直秉承 质量第一,诚信合作 的经营原则,保持稳健的发展步伐,在纷乱复杂的童装市场,公司*** 莎妮贝思Sunbase 牢牢占据一席之地,且品牌的口碑和美誉度响应大江南北。直至2014年,公司针对中国庞大的儿童市场,经过周密的市场调研和反复的综合评估,以 健康舒适 为前提,以 休闲时尚,彰显个性 为中心,精心设计、强势推出公司第二品牌 贝布熊BeiBuXiong 童装,旨在为中国童装市场提供 物超所值 的产品和良好购物体验。光阴荏苒十载,专注积淀深度,公司多年钻研产品设计,专注质量细节,用心拓展渠道,并积极发挥自身优势,掌握国际时尚潮流信息,把握产业链整合的技术关键,成为专业童装品牌运营的一面独特旗帜。在发展壮大的同时,公司依旧牢记自己的社会责任和企业使命,秉承 让儿童与世界一起成长 的信念和理想,坚持不懈,期待为孩子们创造更好的产品、服务和更美好的明天。Guangzhou motor trade co., LTD., is a set design, production, sales, service integration of clothing enterprise, founded in 2004 in guangzhou. For many years, the company has been adhering to the "quality first, sincere cooperation" business principles, to keep the steady pace of development, a sprawling complex in childrens clothing market, the company the first brand "Sally ni beth Sunbase" firmly occupy a place, an d the word of mouth an d reputation of the brand in response to the great river north an d south. Children until 2014, the company according to Chinas huge market, after careful market research an d comprehensive evaluation, on the premise of "healthy an d comfortable", to "leisure fashion, personality" as the center, the careful design, strong launch the second BeiBuXiong "babe bear" brand childrens clothing company, aims at providing a Chinese childrens wear market with "value" products an d good shopping experience.As the days went past ten years, the depth of focus accumulation, the company has many years working on product design, focus on quality details, develop channels, an d actively play their own advantages, to grasp the international fashion trend information, to grasp the industry chain integration, an d the key technologies of the unique banner of become a professional childrens wear brand operation. In development at the same time, the company still remember their social responsibility an d corporate mission, adhering to the "let the children grow up together with the world" of belief an d ideal, persistent, expect for the children to create better products, services, an d a better tomorrow.加盟网站:http://www.kidsnet.cn/business/beibuxiong/nav/公司官网:http://www.beibuxiong.cn
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